Agència Literària

Teresa Vilarrubla
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I am the founder and director of the agency. My work inspires me and I like to make things happen. I started my career in the industry in 1989 at Tusquets publishing house where I managed the Rights department for a decade. In 1999 I began working at MB Literary Agency, contributing to the creation of its international division representing several North American and English agencies. In 2009, and with two decades of experience, it was time to create my own project, The Foreign Office.

Júlia Garrigós Martí
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I’m a literary agent specializing in representing agencies and publishing houses from English-speaking countries. Upon completing my master’s degree in Publishing I joined the agency in 2015 and have been the deputy director since 2022. I attend the London and Frankfurt book fairs every year and frequently go to the Bologna fair. Further, in 2024 I joined the board of the Association of Spanish Literary Agencies. I like Nora Ephron, but also Fierce Appetites and running down the aisles at fairs.

Núria Herrero
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I am a graduate in Literary Studies and after finishing my degree I specialised in Publishing. After having worked at other publishing houses in Barcelona I joined the TFO team as a literary agent in 2019. Currently, I also work in Foreign Rights for the company, handling licensing overseas and scouting new voices. I am passionate about contemporary novels, good spelling, cinema of all kinds, creative people and coffee time.

Andrea Puig Cardell
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my love of words led me to study Translation and Interpreting, and has taken me around the world of books as an editor, proofreader and translator for various publishing houses. At the end of 2022, I turned the steering wheel to join TFO and, since 2024, I’m a Junior Agent. I enjoy pouring out words under the pseudonym @lecturasdispares, accumulating reads, and incessantly reminiscing about A Little Life.

Gerard Argudo Fernández
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I have a degree in Literary Studies, a master in Publishing and a postgraduate degree in Contemporary Culture. I am passionate about queer literature and good stories in general. I also couldn’t live without theatre and travelling. My perfect plan is Paris and an Amélie Nothomb book under the sun. After doing internships in several publishing houses, I start my professional path by joining the TFO team as a Junior Agent.

Sara Navarro García
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I have a degree in Hispanic Philology and a master’s in Publishing. Books have accompanied me all my life, but since joining The Foreign Office team as a Literary Agent Assistant, they’ve become even more special. Aside from literature, I adore a vermouth before lunch and visiting small museums.

Irene Merino Jiménez
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although I was born in Castellón, I studied English Philology in Santiago de Compostela. Once in Barcelona, I did a master’s degree in Publishing, which led me to do an internship in the Rights department of a publishing house, and later to work in the same department at a literary agency. Finally, I joined the TFO team in 2022 and, since 2024, I’m the Contracts Manager. Personally, I’m in love with rom-coms, the From Blood and Ash saga and I love dogs.

Marta Buisán
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Passionate about storytelling and using Excel for everything, I joined TFO as Rights and Office Manager. After studying Audiovisual Communication and working in administrative management for television and theater productions, I transitioned into the publishing world to continue growing professionally, surrounded by art and creativity. I enjoy watching series from twenty years ago, writing about my experiences and reading self-help books.